Monday, April 1, 2013

March Ends in Pictures

First thing I see when I open my eyes:  a hot cup of tea, placed on my nightstand by Chuck.
Chuck and I took the tandem out for a morning ride.  This picture is bad because the brightness of the city below contrasts with the shadow of the mountains.

Einstein's, for breakfast.  He's eating like a slob on purpose.  I promise.

Time to make Easter Babka

These are not out of sequence.  I'm multi-tasking!

The weather was so warm that the Babka could rise out on the back porch. 

Time to do a little woodpile husbandry.  I raked up all of the bark and chips and sawdust and pushed them down in the ravine behind the stacking area.

I don't exactly know the provenance of this huge metal basket.  Chuck has two of them - he thinks that years ago, they may have formed a protective cage around a machine of some sort.  We used one of them for cook-stove wood last winter.  Really, we need to fill both of them if we want to cook on wood all winter.  I cleaned this one out except for the beefiest pieces of bark, then dragged it under the side porch, where it will join its partner and get filled with cooking wood.

Time to get the Babka in the oven.  Preheating...

Chuck brought me these!

I had to go here...
...To get these!  A bunch of regular grocery stores have stopped selling bean sprouts!  WHAT!?!  I guess they are unsanitary?  How the hell is a girl supposed to make Pad Thai?

Nathan dropped the "F-bomb", so he can't play with any gadgets for three hours.  This is the moment when he was released from his exile.  He actually waited up on our bed, because that's where I set his laptop down.

The budget for next month is not looking very good.  Bottom line:  my discretionary spending is $74.83 for the month.  More on that in my next entry:  Budget Babe. 