Wednesday, January 1, 2014

December Ends in Pictures

This makes me look fat!
There.  That's better.
We have people sleeping EVERYWHERE.

Hmmm... What kind if muffin is this?  Who cares? I'll eat it anyway, because it's the holidays.
I get to start a new English group this month.  I've penciled in a few possibilities.

Eating leftovers and more leftovers.

I'm having people over for dinner tomorrow.  Pierogi!  Let's check in with the ultimate Polish perfectionist.
This is how I keep track of everyone's hours.

Glenn with his purple hair and friend, Moses.
"Well, maybe we should just stay in for New Years Eve."

Being stupid with Chuck's brother, Mike.
Playing cards, but starting to yawn...

Tea from our toilet tea cup.
We were in bed by 11:30 PM.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely! And I would have loved to be in bed at 11:30, but stupidly allowed Liv to have a sleepover, so was all jittery. BING was in bed at 10:30, though, so I had my New Year's kiss with my friends from Chicago who sweetly rang the New Year in with me. What a beautiful place you live in....
