Thursday, April 2, 2015

March Ends in Pictures

 This nightstand does not bode well for the day.  I got Spanish flu from watching "Downton Abbey".  I swear:  we were watching Season 3, and as the camera began to rise above Lavinia's death bed, I felt an excruciating pain in my ear.  Fever and MEGA sore throat / earache.  Not a cold.  SPANISH FLU!
Like I got time for that...

 Another damaged soul.  This little lady is now named "Baldy", because the other birds are plucking out her feathers.  I found her huddled in the bottom of the cage this morning, unable to move, she was so stressed and exhausted.  She gets a private cage while she recuperates.

 Unfortunately, unless I know I am going to be sick in advance, tonight's English lessons still need to be planned, so my sub has something to work with.
 Final registration for my latest fabulous experiment:  English for Certified Nursing Assistant!  I partnered with a CNA training center and they will do a special "English adjusted" CNA certification course that offers training at a slower pace.  I will offer English as a Second Language classes here at Guadalupe School that support the nursing school course work .  And we have a corporate donor who wants to provide scholarships for student participation.  We have nine students from Guadalupe who are going to give it a try.

 I found this platter in our school thrift store.  Believe it or not, no one wanted to buy it, and the students who run the thrift store ejected it.  It looks great in our office.  And if I want to use it for a party, I'll just take it off the wall and bring it back when the party's over!

 Ibuprofen is wearing off.  Feeling feverish again - got to get home.
 Cepacol and of course, the curative power of Pringles.  Did you know that the salt and vinegar flavor shrinks the mucous membranes in the throat?  Yep.

 AARRRGGGH!  TEENAGERS!  Do they ever close a cupboard?  Do they ever close a drawer?  Wet towels all over the floor.  Sara's makeup scattered from hell to breakfast!  I'm going to KILL them.  When I feel up to it.

 Fever is spiking again.  The sofa looks so inviting...  Me and some Ibuprofen...
 ...and the newspaper...
 ...and Tobi!
 OK. The Ibuprofen is kicking in.  Time to get off the sofa.
Ilan strained his quads at rugby.  He likes to borrow Sara's muscle-roller.  


  1. Hope you feel better soon!


  2. I didn't know that about salt and vinegar and I would def use that plate at a party.
    Wish you better.
