Friday, June 28, 2013

Locked and Loaded

A scorcher today:  102 degrees.
Regarding the rental property, it turns out that I AM cut out for this.  Well, not exactly; but I think I can make it work.  I think I can learn to be good at it.  I managed to figure out a rent that I hope the downstairs tenants can afford, but I am not going to risk renting the upstairs to them.  The wife (let’s call her Cheyenne – I think she’s going to be with us for a while) texted me today to say that I need to fix the air conditioning, because it is so hot in the unit.  I gently but firmly reminded her that there IS no air conditioning.  She is living in an un-air conditioned house.  Nothing for me to fix.  She knows this, so I don’t know why she is asking me.  She told me she was angry at the previous owner because he told her there was air conditioning, when there isn’t.  I’m bummed about it, too; but that kind of an improvement is an investment that will need to be saved for.  I then reminded her that, since we were doing a month-to month agreement rather than a lease, she had a lot of freedom to look for a nicer place if that was her choice. 
The heat really was a bitch today.  I am going over there to do their rental agreement tomorrow, and I plan to take hoses and a sprinkler with me.  I will tell her that it is not her job to care for the lawn, and I don’t expect her to.  However, on a hot day, little kids like hers sure enjoy playing in the sprinkler.  And if she were to move it from place to place in the yard while they play?  Win – win. 
I felt weak and ill for a large part of the day.  No energy – absent minded. 
Today’s low point was probably dealing with Cheyenne and then getting an e-mail from Chuck.  Normally, this would be a high point, but I am kind of bummed out that he and his daughter got to Barcelona a few days ago.  I didn’t think they were going to visit that city – I thought they would be spending some time in Madrid.  By the time I get to Barcelona, all excited to discover this new place with Chuck, he will have seen everything he wants to see and will be bored.  (Sigh!)
High point.  I’m pretty much packed.  Everything I need is going to fit easily in the two bike panniers.  There’s even room for a couple of cute little outfits in case we go out to a club or something.  Know what the trick is?  I am only taking one pair of shoes.  A comfy, versatile pair.  Ah!  But what about clubbing?  True, there’s no room for my stripper heels.  Perhaps I will buy something sexy  over there
Sara and I are going to get up early and do a trail run before the day heats up, so I had better go to bed. 

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