Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wasn't That Yesterday?

A scorcher today. 
Sara had her first cross country  practice this morning at 5:45 AM, so I took her to school and did my 8-mile run while she was running.  It felt pretty good, but it was so early in the morning that, by the time evening rolled around, I found myself thinking, “Wow.  I feel so guilty that I didn’t work out.”
I went to the bank today and converted the “house” savings account into a checking account, so I can pay contractors, deposit rent, etc…
Otherwise I spent the day getting my lesson plans ready for my substitute, and went to visit YWCA to talk with case workers about services Guadalupe can provide to the women living in the shelter.  I got an award for twenty years of service to the school: a $100 gift card.  I could ask for any kind of gift card I wanted, and chose the grocery store, because it seemed so practical.  Part of me wanted to take the money and spoil myself.  But, hey!  I can get nail polish at the grocery store….
Low point.  Chuck seems at a low ebb.  Tired, frustrated with trying to fix the transmission in the Audi. 
High point.  Weeding my garden in the evening.  I was bent over barefoot in the damp dirt, feeling stork-like and content.   

1 comment:

  1. Nothing works better on a sad/bad/weird mood than weeding a garden. Nothing.
